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College Essay Survival Guide: ScreenCast

Final- Google "Living Stories"

Google Living Stories takes a different approach than other news sources because unlike other internet news providers, all information on a certain topic is unified into a section that save you from constantly searching for new updates on a developing story. Living Stories provides a "one-stop shop" for individuals who always want to know the latest information in current events. It is very organized with time stamps of when posts were developed, time-lines of the topics, filtering for more or less detail, text, images, and/or audio, etc.

I think that Google Living Stories will help to reduce bias in the news because seeing different aspects of an issue all in one place can give more reason to views. It can also help people to organize their thoughts on an issue better by seeing progress as it develops. It gives people to see views from different sources from a neutral standpoint and have a more neutral standpoint also.

I would like to see a general search bar added so that people can choose exactly what news they want to see information about. There are not a lot of different options as far as the topics you can follow. Maybe having a categories list could help even. It could list types of new such as: Entertainment, Politics, World, Sports, etc.

Otherwise, I think it was a smart addition to he many things Google has created to make the surfing the web simpler and easier to manage.

Christmas Break is Coming Up Soon!

The holiday is so close to being here, I can smell the Egg Nog. Finals are approaching just as the snow is beginning to fall. It is becoming harder to pull yourself out of bed, but the "BIG BREAK" is just around the corner so that should be plenty of motivation for the "late bird."

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Black Friday

With Thanksgiving past, and Christmas near, the Black Friday sales are the biggest things on peoples' minds. The internet is very big at this time also. Some people like to wake up at 4am and head out for the store, while others like to stay cuddled up in their PJs and shop online.

Basically anything you can find in a store is on the internet on Black Friday.
Companies from Apple to Fisher Price are drropping prices tremendously for one special day. Stores like Walmart and Meijer opened at 4am and had deals on a limited amount of items in stores. However, online there was not really a limit on supply. Also, online you could start buying as soon as 12am on Friday, November, 27, 2009.

Things like the Apple iPhone, which normally goes for $400 retail, was outstandingly going for $199 with a new AT&T contract.
Black Friday Special

Laptops made by Toshiba were on sale for $199 also, when the retail value is $499
Black Friday Special

Although it is easier to find deals, and the lines are much shorter when you shop online, I prefer to go out to the stores on Black Friday because it is simply MORE FUN. It's like you get an adrenaline rush from being in the mall with thousands of people during irregular hours. By the way the Toys'R Us opened at 12am. Imagine that rush when the doors opened! =)

"Cloud" Computing

After watching the video about Indicee, I understood what it could be used for. However I do not see how it could apply to me at the time because I am not doing any of the things used as examples in the video. I do think it could be useful in my future career in Marketing.

After evaluating CubeTree, I realize that it is used to configure regular documents into "Social Documents," which make it possible to comment, and add dimensions to things like spreadsheets. Before a program like this, it was impossible to leave comments on spreadsheets. CubeTree wold not apply to me though, because you have to have a job and a work email to sign up. Since I could not sign up, I could not experience the advantages.

After evaluating SocialCalc, I have come to know that it is a social spreadsheet designed to help businesses work together and share information through spreadsheets such as budget reports, expense tracking, project managing, and other business processes.